Consultant for non-profit organizations, government (Ministry of Health), Doctors of BC, across multiple sectors on trauma informed practices and policies.
Currently consultant for GPAC Guidelines & Protocols Advisory Committee developing the first ever guideline for physicians in Canada on addressing childhood trauma in primary care and other areas of medicine
Consultant for Doctors of BC COP- Community of Practice- which supports nearly 200 physicians across the province address issues relating to child and youth mental health and substance use issues and trauma
Consultant for PSP- Practice Support Program, developing ACES informed and trauma informed training for physicians
Consultant for Young Families: supporting the clinical supervisions and development for staff working with young parents and the most vulnerable families in Surrey, BC
In the last year has offered training/speaking on the following topics:
Trauma informed Dentistry training for dental professionals
Jen also works on a First Nations reserve (Tsawassen First Nation) one day a week providing clinical services, consultation, and staff training
Trauma Informed Policing
Trauma Informed Schools/Education
Trauma Informed Domestic Violence Work
Vicarious Trauma & Compassion Fatigue
The Neuroscience of Trauma